Posts Tagged ‘Aaj dil gustakh’

Poetry in motion

October 15, 2009

It’s Blue Blue everywhere… trailers on television, news on the internet and songs on FM stations. Blue has created quite a stir. Take this song for example “Aaj Dil Gustakh Hai”. Watch it here:

Everything about the song is delightful. The location of course is gorgeous. Lara Dutta is looking like a million bucks. Sanjay Dutt looks a little old, but stylish nevertheless.

Check out Lara and Sanjay running around getting naughty on the beach. Look at their underwater antics with the dolphins. I loved the colourful kite as well. And what do you have to say about the red sari with the red bikini in the gorgeous blue water?

Mind blowing choreography by Farah Khan. Very well conceptualized and executed.  Truly unique and refreshing. For a change we didn’t get to see 100 dancers in the background!